Finn after experiencing the effects of war, deserted his legion and tried to join The Rebel Alliance. In the sequel trilogy, The First Order humans are conscripted into the army such as Finn. The vast majority of the stormtroopers were clones up until the end of Star Wars VI - Return of the Jedi when the clone factories were shut down. Phasma is a female stormtrooper wearing a chrome colour suit compared to the white suits of the other stormtroopers.
There are no records of any of the standard stormtroopers as yet being female however it is rumoured some will be female in future releases of the film.Ĭaptain Phasma is a senior stormtrooper who appeared in the sequel trilogy. The Stormtrooper were originally clones of Jango Fett, made by master cloners from Kamino,a wet, rainy planet whose location had been deleted from the Galactic Map. If the Empire was real and given how much of the galaxy the Empire controlled, they would be pretty decent soldiers. They have a reputation for wearing useless armour and being unable to hit anything. The Stormtrooper is the foot soldiers of the The Galactic Empire who do all the running about and attacking on the ground.